General terms and conditions
- These general terms and conditions apply to all instructions to, and services from, Macro & Versteeg advocaten.
- Macro & Versteeg advocaten is a partnership of limited liability companies incorporated under the law of The Netherlands, with a statutory duty to be engaged in the work of attorney at law. The partnership is established in Amsterdam and registered at the Chamber of Commerce under number 57823987.
- All instructions are deemed to have been made exclusively to Macro & Versteeg advocaten and not to any individual person connected with Macro & Versteeg advocaten. This is also the case if a client intends the instruction to be carried out by a specific person connected to Macro & Versteeg advocaten. The application of articles 7:404 and 7:407 (subsection 2) of the Dutch Civil Code has been excluded.
- The fees for the performance of an instruction are based on the number of hours worked against a specifically agreed hourly rate or the usual hourly rate as charged by Marco & Versteeg advocaten, unless explicitly agreed otherwise. Office costs are charged at 6% of the fees. If third parties need to be engaged, their costs will be invoiced without any further additional costs. Macro & Versteeg advocaten invoices on a monthly basis with a payment term of fourteen (14) days from the date of the invoice.
- Any liability on the part of Macro & Versteeg advocaten is limited to the amount that is paid out by the insurer under the terms of the professional indemnity insurance agreement(s), increased by the amount of applicable excess. If, for whatever reason, there is no claim to a payment from the professional liability insurer, or the insurer does not pay out, the liability for damages is limited to the amount of the invoiced fees relating to the instruction and subsequent services provided by Macro & Versteeg advocaten.
- Each and any claim for compensation of damages based on liability of Macro & Versteeg advocaten expires after one (1) year following the day upon which the party who suffered the damages became acquainted with the damages and Macro & Versteeg advocaten as the liable party.
- If, in the course of the fulfillment of the instruction, Macro & Versteeg advocaten makes use of a third party, Macro & Versteeg advocaten is not liable for any failure of such a third party. By instructing Macro & Versteeg advocaten, Macro & Versteeg advocaten is entitled to accept on behalf of the client any limitation of liability that the third party stipulates. Macro & Versteeg advocaten will – in so far as is possible - consult with the client. No such consultation is required if the engagement of a third party follows from a legal requirement.
- Pursuant to applicable legislation, Macro & Versteeg advocaten is obliged to verify the identity of its client(s) and report specific facts to the appropriate authorities under certain circumstances. By instructing Macro & Versteeg advocaten, the client(s) confirms awareness of the obligations of Macro & Versteeg advocaten and will cooperate with the verification of identity and, if Macro & Versteeg is obliged to do so, not resist the fulfillment of reporting requirements
- These general terms and conditions are available in a Dutch and English version. If there is any difference between the two versions, the Dutch language text is binding.
- The legal relationship between a client and Macro & Versteeg advocaten is governed solely by Dutch law. The court in Amsterdam is exclusively entitled to adjudicate any dispute between a client and Macro & Versteeg advocaten.
- These general terms and conditions have been deposited with the District Court of Amsterdam.